Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is Yellowstone National Park, created on March 1, 1872, by President Grant.

Today's trivia question:
What is the name of the number that has a 1 followed by 100 zeroes? (spelling counts)


KauaiMark said...


Forest said...

I think that is what the call a google.

Evan Brammer said...


Anonymous said...


Stopped Clock said...

Googol. Although by force of habit I spelled it as Google just now since I probably type that word about 10000 times as often as I type the other one.

Eric W. said...


Larry and Sergey misspelled it, but already registered and didn't want to have to pay to register a new domain name.

Anonymous said...

a google

Curmudgeon said...


OB Puzzle: The US has quite a few billionaires. How many does the UK have?

Anonymous said...

heh...clever, KauaiMark!
But it's really a Googol.

Donalbain said...


gbradley said...

Great answer Mark.

It's not Google.

Fritz J. said...

I really like KauaiMark's answer. However, I think the word is googol although I could be wrong on the spelling. The only reason that useless bit of information sticks in my mind is because I was reading about Google one day and read that the name was derived from a number with one hundred zeros.

Anonymous said...

I like that answer ... although I think the "stimulus" is actually larger.

A googol, perchance?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a googleplex or something like that?

Anonymous said...

Also the name of a search engine.