Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
International Business Machines (Corporation)

Today's question is:
What four US states meet at Four Corners?


Stopped Clock said...

UT, AZ, NM, CO. Now a trivia question for you: which four African countries also meet* at a Four Corners?

*Technically one of the borders doesn't quite touch, because there's a river in the way, but it's less than a mile wide and looks like a perfect fit on almost any map.

MasonPiper said...

Utah, Arizona, Colorado and my home state of New Mexico..Some grands ago my mom's family settled in the area about the time of Jametown on the east coast

Fritz J. said...

Way too easy. Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado. It officially became four corners in 1901 when the Arizona Territory boundaries were finalized. It's been a long time since I was in school, but I still remember some of what the teachers tried to drum into my head. I only wish the teachers had been more successful.

Anonymous said...

CO - NM - AZ - UT

Not much of a destination unless you're a real geography fan. The geology/topography/scenery leaves much to be desired.

Mike said...

Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.

One of my grade school friends said he won a bet with his mom when they visited there. The bet was whether or not he could be in more than one place at one time.

Anonymous said...

Utah, Colorado, Arizona, & New Mexico.

Anonymous said...

(clockwise from top left) utah, colorado, new mexico and arizona.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado.

And boy that has to be the most deserted patch of ground in the U.S., with the exception of I-80 west of Cheyenne, WY

W.R. Chandler said...

New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Colorado

Anonymous said...


Read this about I-80 across Wyoming :)

Anonymous said...

I've been to Four Corners. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah.