Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is: googol.

Today's question is:
In the movie and TV series M*A*S*H, what was the nickname of the chief nurse?


House of Prayer SLO said...

Wasn't it "hotlips"?

Anonymous said...

"Hot Lips". But who is the only actor to carry his/her role over from the original movie to the TV show?

Anonymous said...

Well, Hotlips of course. Major Margaret Houlihan.

Anonymous said...

Hot Lips.

Anonymous said...

Hotlips Hoolihan

Anonymous said...

Hot Lips. Come on, give some harder ones, Darren.

Anonymous said...

Hot Lips

Mike said...

Darn it. I used to watch this show with my Dad all the time.

Is it "Sweet Cheeks" Holohan? "Hot Lips" Holohan?

Was her name even Holohan? I'm blanking and I refuse to look it up. I'll wait until tomorrow to find out.

gbradley said...

I think Sally Kellerman played her.
That was the first movie that I ever saw someones...
I mean I was 14 or 15, so my eyes were definitely riveted to the screen :-)

Anonymous said...

Hot lips Hooligan, I think.

Forest said...

"Hot Lips" Hoolihan.

Mr. W said...

major margaret "hot lips" houlihan

Dan Edwards said...


KauaiMark said...

"Hot Lips Hollian", if I recall correctly

Anonymous said...

Hot Lips Hoolihan.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, your lips are so hot!"
"Yes, Frank, Yes!"

"How's it going, 'Hot Lips'?"

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think it was spelled "Houlihan", now that I think about it.

Anonymous said...

That's an age/generation question. All of us old enough to have seen every episode and the movie when it came out will remember her eve when we're in the old folks' home with Alzheimer's and have no idea who we are.

Hotlips Hoolihan. Or however the name was spelled.

How about this one: Who was the only character in the movie and the TV series played by the same actor or actress?

Anonymous said...

Hot Lips and her last name was Hoolihan

Lord Floppington said...

What? No one said "Hot Lips" yet????

Darren said...

I don't post the comments/answers until I post the actual answer--that way everyone gets a legitimate guess.