Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ward Churchill Is Coming To The Sacramento Area

He'll be speaking at Berkeley-lite, UC Davis.

The theme of the speech, in keeping with its antisemitic, Islamofascist sponsors, is “Zionists Are Nazis.”

I sent the above link to fellow Sacramento edublogger Mr. Chanman, telling him I'm not strong enough to stomach going to listen to that man talk. Here's his response to me, in which I've changed only one term because this is a family blog:

You see, that's the difference between us and the left: if a conservative speaker as controversial as Ward Churchill spoke at Davis, there would be protesters, disrupters, and pie throwers. We on the other hand, just choose to ignore the whole thing and let them have their moonbat orgy.

That's one of many differences between us and the left.


allenm said...

Why would you want to exercise your gag reflex? It's not like Churchill has anything of value to say to anyone but true believers. The guy, as LGF points out, is an academic and personal fraud, a plagiarizer and a disgrace to the tattered reputation of academe. About the only reason I can think of to hear the man is the same motivation that impels you to take a look at a nasty car accident: morbid curiosity.

What's there to learn from the man that can't be learned at less cost then listening to his fulminations? Don't put your name on crude fabrications? Don't expect clumsy misrepresentations to hold up forever? Because a fool's born every minute you can't exhaust the supply?

Unless you're one of the folks Churchill panders to, I just don't see the point in worrying about not going to see him speak.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much they're paying him.

Anonymous said...

I happen to be a taxpayer who has been directly supporting Ward's lifestyle for a long time.

It puts a very faint bitter tinge to the clear sky of Colorado.

His con game is not much different than any other radical studies professor at any other university.

Anonymous said...

hey Darren...

I was at 33rd st. Bistro today and could have sworn that Churchill was at the table next to me. It was very difficult to not ocnfront him...

Hope you're having a good break...

Chris (the other Mr. Miller)

Darren said...

I haven't heard that he's in town, but then again, I try not to pay too much attention to him.

Is he still unemployed, I wonder? Or did International A.N.S.W.E.R. hire him as a spokesman?