Thursday, March 01, 2007

Teaching So-called Social Justice In A Seattle School

If you don't believe me when I tell you what the left really means by social justice, please go read this short post about Legos. Yes, Legos.

Legotown builders were incorporating “their assumptions about ownership and the social power it conveys,” the teachers write. These assumptions “mirrored those of a class-based, capitalist society — a society that we teachers believe to be unjust and oppressive.” When Legotown was destroyed accidentally, the teachers decided “to promote a contrasting set of values: collectivity, collaboration, resource-sharing, and full democratic participation.” (emphasis mine--Darren)

Now click on my social justice and Rethinking Schools labels below to learn that this isn't an isolated event.


Anonymous said...

My brother and sister-in-law pulled their son out of the public school after a (comparatively) mild incident of trying to turn students into little Maoists. When he came home from the first day ofschool, my sister-in-law asked him where his pencils, notebooks, etc. were. He told her when they got to school, his teacher had had everybody put everything they brought into a box and then she redistributed everything.

My brother and sister-in-law pulled him out of the school the next day and put him in a Catholic school, where they don't steal students' private property.

Ellen K said...

That used to drive me nuts. When my kids were in elementary, and we only had one income in the house, we had to scrimp and save to buy school supplies. We would buy the things our kids liked hoping to encourage them and support them in their school. For little kids the thought of a favorite special pencil or eraser can be a link to mom and dad and help them make it through the day. Then the teachers would insist that all the kids pool their supplies together to make up for the parents who chose to buy cigarettes and beer rather than supplies (this isn't conjecture, it's what our neighbors did. They always had beer and cigarettes but would constantly send their kids over to borrow eggs and milk and cereal and soap and God knows what all...and they BOTH worked.) So my kids would go to school with nice new pencils and crayons and tablets ready to learn and they would come home the next day with broken half-used crayons, dried up markers and no paper. I pitched a fit. And I think that private schools do this more than public school because when I taught in privates, that was the norm.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that public schools are teaching Marxism; I know they are. I've seen it first hand. What's worse is that I don't see any possibility that this trend can be stopped since no matter what conservatives say, the Ed schools will keep on pumping out this bilge in the name of "social justice." Is there a single Ed school at a state university in Florida that does NOT have that idiotic slogan, "social justice" in its mission statement? Can a leopard change its spots? I have given up all hope for public schools. The only advice I have for parents now is, pull your kids out of public schools at all costs. If your kid isn't beaten to a pulp by the gang bangers, he'll be indoctrinated into collectivism by his social studies teacher or encouraged to join the high school gay club by a gay teacher or administrator. You think this doesn't happen? Ok, be an ostrich and refuse to face reality. It's only your child's mental health.