Sacramento is the Camellia Capital of the World. Here's a pink one at my neighbor's:
These red camellias are in my yard.
This magnolia tree is just starting to bloom:
This tree is down the street from my house. It must be evergreen, as it's never lost its leaves. I just love the shape of the canopy, as well as the dark shade...
and its gnarled trunk.
This view down my street was taken towards the sun, hence the dark colors--but notice that the trees are starting to come back to life already.
Three days ago, when I first envisioned taking a picture of this blossoming cherry tree, most of the leaves were pink. Now they're mostly red.
This fruitless mulberry is in my backyard, and before I had it (severely) trimmed a couple weeks ago, was way too big, heavy, and bushy. You might think I've killed it...
but already it's showing tiny signs of life.
I don't know what this bush is in my backyard, but it, too, is starting to bloom.
And all the while, Boomer guards the hot tub.
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Great pictures. Living in Michigan, I'm more than a little jealous out west. Thanks for letting me know what to expect in about three months.
Andrew Pass
I've lived all my life in south, surrounded by Magnolia trees with gorgeous glossy green leaves and fragrant *white* blossoms. I had no idea pink magnolias even existed- how cool is that?? They are beautiful, but it does appear that the pink trees are much smaller than the ones I'm used to. Learned something new today :-).
We have the ones with the dark green leaves, white flowers, and "bombs" (kinda like pine cones), too, and they're much larger than this one.
I didn't learn this purple one was a magnolia until this weekend. We both learned something new!
I do the same thing to my fruitless mulberry trees in my backyard. I swear those things are the tree equivalent of a weed!
The blooming shrub looks like a forsythia. Are the blooms yellow? they're usually the first thing to flower.
It's still all brown and dead here in Montana...
Honestly, Carol, I don't remember what color it blooms! Guess we'll find out in a few weeks =)
Love the pics, especially the camellias!!!
Snow everywhere here still, though it's 43 now, and it's climbing into the 50s and even the 60s for the rest of the week.
But I learned to pay attention to the neighbors last year. Don't plant until June.
boomer! and the hot tub! and the fence that, hopefully, is keeping boomer in place.
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