Friday, March 23, 2007

Most Hilarious eBay Auction *Ever*

For as long as it stays online (pictures are shown at the link)...

Description (revised)

This is simple, show your concern for global warming and your love of nature by paying to keep a tree alive. If a tree does not sell it dies, I will cut it down and burn it releasing all the carbon it has stored. So save a tree or help heat the world, your choice.
This auction is for healthy happy tree number 2. You ransom the tree and it gets to stay right where it is in its natural home. Otherwise it dies. Nothing to ship so no shipping charges.
Or, if you hate the world and hate trees, if you win you can ask me to cut and burn it so you don't have to be a tree hugger to enjoy this auction.

Trees number 1 and 3 are dead. The Auctions ended and nobody cared enough to save a tree so now they are dead. When they dry out and their poor little leaves turn brown and start to fall off I will burn them adding all the carbon they had locked up in their brief lives to the atmosphere. I hope you are happy.
Also, as it costs money to list these trees if nobody bids on this tree I will kill it and trees 4 and 5. 5 is just a baby but I will kill it anyway, I will rip it up by the roots and let it die slowly in the sun. If somebody bids to save tree number 2 then I will list 4 and 5 so they will have a chance. It is up to you now.


Anonymous said...

lol... that's stupid.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I agree. This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. It's even funnier because it contains a kernel of truth as all good satire should. Bravo!

KauaiMark said...

GLobal warming is just Y2K without a time limit...

Darren said...

LaOT: I myself wouldn't know anything about good satire =)

Anonymous said...

This is like Dr. Phat Tony's Kill Jill campaign. He bought a goat, named it Jill, and took pictures of it. He put pictures of Jill up on his blog and wrote that if people didn't send money to him, he'd kill Jill and barbecue her.

He also sponsors the "Porn for the Troops" campaign.

Ellen K said...

I am sure there will be appropriate politically oriented dismay expressed on that sellers email. On the other hand, he gets a chance to needle those who believe this kind of nonsense, so the grief he gets is worth it.

allenm said...

Reminds me of the National Lampoon cover.

Dan Edwards said...

Didn't Saturday Night Live also do a survey about boiling a lobster....the survey results were to cook that baby !

Nice gimmick.....that dude had one bid....enough for lunch at McDonalds ! :-)