Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chicken Little

Liberals are liars.  They just are.

If they weren't, no one would ever listen to one because their ideas are so stupid.

Update, 8/19/19:


SoCalMike said...


Anonymous said...

1. Russian Collusion Hoax
2. Fine People Hoax
3. Kavanaugh Hoax
4. Covington Hoax
5. Orange Man causes racism, not the fake news.

none said...

Do people listen to liars or is it because the news media repeats the liars words --- if the media did not repeat the lie would the liars bother to Lie?

Does the media encourage liars?

Do liars lie to see there name on TV or in print?

David said...

My biggest problem with the liberals treatment of Trump is that they said the exact same things about Romney, McCain, Bush Jr and Reagan. If you keep on saying the GOP presidential nominee is a racist bigot dictator who hates women, people will stop listening.

Also, they have huge issues with calling it out on their own side. I was watching a youtube discussion panel on the Hunt movie and one liberal said 20% of police are Nazis and no one even called him out on it. No Democrat in Congress dares call out publicly the antisemitism of those 4 Congresswomen. It is one thing if you attack both sides over this stuff, but they never do.

Anonymous said...

Reading Ball of Collusion by Andrew McCarthy. I've been following all of this, but he puts it all together--just how extensive was the plot to undermine and destroy Trump's presidency; makes me sick at heart. "Not a smidgen of scandal" may be the biggest lie of all.