Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:

Today's question is:
The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. What is the address of the residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?


Fritz J. said...

I'm going with #10, Downing Street. Not sure that the spelling of the street is correct, and not sure the address is right either, but I think I'm right.

EdD said...

It's Number 10 Downing Street.

gbradley said...

#10 Downing Street

allen (in Michigan) said...

Number 10 Downing Street.

Mr. W said...

Don't know how accurate Love Actually was, but it had the address as 10 Downing Street.

On a side note, Love Actually could be the great romantic movie of all time. Has every kind of love story on it (like 7 or 8 story lines) and it is pulled together in a sort of Pulp Fiction way.

MikeAT said...

#10 Downing St

Law and Order Teacher said...

10 Downing St.

neko said...

10 Downing Street?

PeggyU said...

Trivia is back! :D