RightWingProf (see blogroll at left) says it all. He points out, as we conservatives (and centrists!) often do, that the left has no tolerance for views it doesn't like.
It should surprise nobody that these idiots felt entitled to shut up Gilchrist; it's hardly a secret that "progressives" have no respect for the Constitution or the right of conservatives to speak. It also should surprise nobody that Columbia is reacting as if they disapprove, when they and their left-wing policies are solely to blame for creating this situation. Nor should anyone be surprised that Columbia is trying to white-wash this by calling it a violation of free speech, when it was a physical asssault.
If that is what it means to be progressive, I'm even more proud to be a just-right-of-center moderate.
I use the term regressive for our left wing friends. What they advocate (collectivism, control of the economy by the government, control of speech, etc) has been tried before. It hasn’t worked in Russia, China, Europe, where ever it’s tried. It won’t work here.
Remember what Einstein said. Insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Hmmm. I thought that by definition a UNIVERSITY was supposed to offer UNIVERSAL views and allow students to draw their own original conclusions. Instead we see that the faculty has fomented a type of political brainwashing that not only is unaccepting of different beliefs but unwilling to listen to different ideas. With open mindedness like that we would still be operating on the notion that the world is flat. How can they claim to be a truly education institution if they only want part of the story. The old computer motto GIGO-garbage in/garbage out, comes to mind. It's almost as if someone on the facult wants to fix the results by limiting the input. Seems like faulty research to me.
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