Sunday, September 25, 2022

Are They Really Doing What's Best For Kids?

If I were designing a school, I wouldn't focus on teaching kids to think the world's out to get them while simultaneously not teaching them skills and knowledge they'll need to succeed in that world:

A “woke” California high school that boasts of having a “Social Justice Academy” has scored a dismal 19 percent math proficiency rate.

San Leandro High School’s “Social Justice Academy” is a three-year “rigorous” and “career-themed” program.

The program is aimed at 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, according to the academy’s website.

As part of the course, students are required to become activists and advocate for left-wing causes.

However, the school is suffering in more traditional subjects like math, where students are getting appallingly low scores.

Such schools are for the adults, not for the children.

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