Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 The title can't get any clearer:

When "Freedom" Is Problematic, Discussion Ends

The problems of inequality were generally the result not of freedom, but of denying people freedom. Slavery, segregation, and various other institutionalized forms of racism from days gone by were, at their very core, anti-freedom efforts.

You don’t erase the sins of anti-freedom through anti-freedom policies.

That’s like trying to cure cancer by causing cancer. It’s insane.

They go on to lament the idea of pursuing individual freedom over social good, but as I just pointed out, most social ills are the result of too little freedom at some point or another, not too much.

Plus, the individual is the smallest minority possible. If you protect individual freedom, you protect freedom for each and every collective group you care to name.

That is unless your goal isn’t to protect their freedom but to set them on a whole new pedestal.

Which, when we get down to it, is what we’re currently looking at.

When I was young I never envisioned problems like this, that's for sure.

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