Friday, June 24, 2022

Are They Serious About "Men Can Menstruate"? Here's One Way To Tell.

There might be 7 people in the entire country who believe men can be pregnant or can have periods.  Many more than 7 will say those things to signal their leftie tribal purity.  Many of these cuckoobirds can be found at our universities.  Here's one way to see what they really believe:

Women’s menstrual products are missing on many shelves in the U.S. this week. But tampons can still be found in men's bathrooms on college campuses. 

As more universities focus on LGBTQ+ inclusive initiatives, tampons are more commonly found in men's bathrooms on campuses. 

In December 2021, Campus Reform identified multiple universities that began including women’s menstrual products in their men’s restrooms. 

The universities were Davenport University, Western Carolina University, School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis, Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, and Loyola Marymount University

Western Carolina University used student fees to pay for tampons in its men's restrooms. 

Cornell started putting menstrual products in men's rooms in 2020. The products were put in baskets in the bathrooms with labels that read "mxnstrual" products.

Campus Reform contacted each university and asked whether or not they would continue to supply their men's bathrooms with tampons despite the shortage that directly impacts women. 

Not a single school replied.


1 comment:

Anna A said...

If I were the women students, I have the most masculine looking woman, dress more man/boy like and raid every single bathroom that has tampons that aren't going to be used. Then the correct ones can be replenished.