The answer to yesterday's question, the last in Computers Week, is:
ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. (When I was at West Point, I attended a talk by Commodore Hopper.)
Today's question is:
Which US states come first and last, alphabetically?
Alabama, Wyoming
I hope I got that right.
My sisters were in the Girl Scouts and used to sing that song.
Alasksa and Wyoming
Alabama and Wyoming
The right answer should have been "Colossus", but it was such a carefully kept secret that the fact that it had ever existed was a secret was a secret--all the machines, and the plans for them were destroyed at the end of WW II.
Tony Sale and others have built on at Bletcheley Park.
First: Alaska?
Last: West Virginia?
No! ALABAMA is first, I take back Alaska!
And West Virginia = Wyoming. Ouch.
Alabama, Wyoming
I'll go with Alabama and West Virginia.
Ah, but the question was "name of the world's first generally-recognized computer, heralded in 1946?"
So it couldn't have been Colossus for that reason.
The replica Colossus is an amazing labor of love--why build one? Just because they could.
You are talking about the 50 states, right, and not Obama's 57 states?
First State: Alabama
Last State: Wyoming
Alabama and Wyoming
Alaska, Wyoming
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