Monday, January 24, 2022

Systemic Racism and Domestic Terrorism

If what's described below is "systemic racism" and "domestic terrorism", then the definitions of "systemic racism" and "domestic terrorism" have been watered down so as to be meaningless.  Threatening to ruin students' academic futures?  Par for the course for lefties--and a great look for a school district:

Attorney Mark T. Harris is charged with helping district address an incident at West Campus High School in which a vice principal was subjected to racially derogatory statements online, and a separate incident at Kit Carson International Academy in which a teacher used the n-word twice in a discussion with students…

Leone also expressed concerns about a separate incident a year ago at Luther Burbank High School in which a student and teacher had an exchange over the N-word. A subsequent faculty discussion reportedly became hostile…

“The fact that we are still a district that suffers from systemic racism is on us. It’s a responsibility that I take very seriously. I also acknowledge that we have a lot of work to do,” said (Superintendent) Aguilar…

“We’re not accusing you or your kids of anything, but if your kid is found to have committed these atrocities, we’ll do everything we can to make sure that kid gets to wear that jacket,” said Harris. “So your plans for that kid to go to Brown or Harvard or Stanford or Cal? Maybe you need to think twice because that kid’s going to have to deal with the fact that they participated in domestic terrorism as far as I’m concerned some of the things that these young people are accused of, but that’s the end result.”

This story, from the major Sacramento newspaper, involves the Sac City Unified School District.

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