Thursday, February 28, 2019

Global Warming in Los Angeles

I know, I know, "weather isn't climate", except when it supports the Church of Global Warming/Climate Change/Extreme Weather viewpoint. Which prophets of global warming doom predicted this?
For the first time since forecasters began recording data — at least 132 years — the mercury did not reach 70 degrees in downtown Los Angeles for the entire month of February.
At least snowfalls are a thing of the past in Britain--or are they?  The paper that ran with such an outrageous headline has now disappeared the article, but the Wayback Machine (internet archive) confirms that the article was active for years.  Here's a 2009 screenshot of the 2000 headline:


samuel woods said...

global warming and climate change is a major issue for todays life and tomorrow future ,If we want to save our future we have to take care of our nature from heavy pollution and over population of some countries.

Darren said...

Those countries with "heavy pollution and over population" are not the countries that are targeted by the Church of Global Warming. The developing/poor countries are heavy polluters.