Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
Seven. Quirinal Hill, Viminal Hill, Esquiline Hill, Oppian Hill, Palatine Hill, Caelian Hill, and Aventine Hill (yes, I had to look up the names).

Today's question is:
What city is “home” to the Microsoft Corporation?


Forest said...

Redmond, Washington

PeggyU said...

Better be Redmond, WA.

Anonymous said...

Redmond, WA

Fritz J. said...

Redmond, Washington as I recall.

Sandy said...

As much as I hate to argue with a trivia buff (and considering that I could not name all 7 hills myself :-), I must respectfully disagree with your list. The Capitoline Hill, which should be on the list, is left off in favor of the Oppian Hill, which is not one of the Big Seven, but rather part of the Esquiline Hill.

Steve USMA '85 said...

Redmond, WA

Lee Eddy said...

Microsoft is based in Redmond, Washington.

MAJ K said...

Redmond, Washington

Darren said...

Interesting. So I looked this up in the fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, and this is what I came up with:
The seven hills of early Rome – the Cermalus, Palatium, and Velia (the three peaks of the Palatine Hill), the Cispius, Fagutalis, and Oppius (the three peaks of the Esquiline Hill), and the Sucusa – figured prominently in Roman mythology, religion, and politics.[clarification needed]

So it's possible that we're talking about different hills in different time periods. Cool! Thanks for raising that point.

Still, if I listed the Oppian Hill but not the other peaks of the Esquiline Hill, I would have to say that my original answer was not correct.