I remember stories of the Red Guards from when I was younger, it's hard to believe this country is importing such a disastrous policy:
Using students to pressure other students into “group-think” is right out of the Commie playbook. It is not only disturbing that the Attorney General of Maine is complicit in doing this, but it should be a shocking wake-up call to parents nationwide. This threat of Communism is real. It is happening right now in this country. The question is, what are you going to do about it? If left unchecked this only ends one way: the same way it ended in China. NPR reported the sad reality in China as a result of the cultural revolution.
Students beating up their teachers was a shocking reversal in the Confucian society, where educators were once held in the highest esteem.
Now, the teachers who were victimized in the Cultural Revolution are mostly in their 70s and 80s, and the Red Guards have said they wanted to apologize while they still have the chance.
Last October, Chen met with his former classmates and teachers and apologized for the violence he presided over.
“Looking back on it, I believe their human rights and dignity were trampled upon,” says Chen, shown here in the courtyard of his Beijing residence.
“Teachers were made to stand onstage, bow their heads and confess their crimes,” he says. “Looking back on it, I believe their human rights and dignity were trampled upon.”
In fact, Chen says, the entire Cultural Revolution was illegal because it violated China’s Constitution — though he acknowledges that criticizing the movement as unconstitutional is a way to make his point without being silenced by the authorities.
I liked this part:
Maine schools are playing with fire and should disband the Civil Rights Teams immediately. Students should be in charge of nothing. They’re too young, too impressionable, and too immature to be given any power over their peers or teachers. Yet the trans ideology gives a massive amount of power to untrained, emotionally stunted children who are bound to wield it unfairly as history shows.
Children are not adults and should not be treated as such or given that responsibility. They don’t know what’s best for them or anyone else around them. They need our help and guidance. It is the sickest philosophy that demands that we follow the lead of our children. Children will brutalize one another if not properly supervised and guided. Anyone who has read Lord of the Flies (or has more than one child) knows this to be true.
And giving such power to 20-yr-olds isn't much better.
Where did that second quote come from?
"Students should be in charge of nothing."
That should be the first sentence delivered by the professor on the first day of Ed 100.
My students were polite and considerate. They could certainly have managed to choose their own seats, but then how would they know that I'm the puppet master?
It is from the same link.
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