Thursday, December 03, 2020

Final Exam

I just downloaded my final exam for the calculus class I'm taking.  

It's 15 pages long!  Good that we don't have to turn it in for a few days.

Given the due date, a few days before the end of the semester, it's possible that this is only a portion of the final exam--that he'll have another lengthy stack of pages for us to download in a week or so.  I sure hope not, though!

I have a pretty good grade in the course.  A friend of mine describes my situation as being one in which I have a good "grade buffer", meaning I could lose plenty of points and still earn an A.  Of course, earning an A after losing plenty of points is not my goal.


PeggyU said...

Fifteen pages long? I wanna see it.

rclark said...

This is why I hated take home, open book tests. Give me a one hour, closed book, in-class exam any day.