Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jury Duty

Instructions on the summons:  Check the web site after 5pm Sunday to see if my group is needed for Monday.

Sunday:  don't come in Monday.  Check back after 5 pm Monday for further instructions.
Monday:  don't come in Tuesday.  Check back after 5 pm Tuesday for further instructions.
Tuesday:  don't come in Wednesday morning.  Check back between 11:15 and 12:00 on Wednesday to see if you'll be needed Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday, 11:15:  "Your group is not needed. Your service is complete. You do not need to check back. Thank you for making yourself available to serve as a juror."

I guess I'm good for another 18 months.


Steve USMA '85 said...

Story of my life as a juror. I so want to serve on a jury for the experience. Every time what happened to you has happened to me. Every friggin' time.

And for the record, its been five times over my life now.

Darren said...

I usually don't make it past initial challenges for juries. I've always been called for criminal trials, and once the defense learns I have a cop friend and a cop son, "We thank and dismiss Mr. RightOntheLeftCoast."

Anna A said...

I've served once, back in my North Carolina days. It was interesting, but I will make sure that I never serve on that kind of crime again. (rape, and I am a single woman)

GRIN I did get out of being an alternate because I said that I don't believe in scientific evidence. (Test instruments are only as good as their user and I know that it would not have come out in the trial.