Friday, June 28, 2019

Heinlein's Crazy Years

I read two articles this morning and put them together in my head.  How did we get so crazy so fast?


How do you know if you're living in a free society? Here's a quick test: Are you allowed to say obviously true things in public? Or are you forced to lie? As George Orwell put it in "1984": "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." But what if that freedom isn't granted? What if you're required to repeat things that you know aren't true? What if everyone who hears you knows perfectly well that you're lying, but they can't say so out loud? What if everyone is required to nod along in mock sincerity as if it's all completely real? That's what a pep rally in a police state looks like: "Thanks to the dear leader for a bountiful potato harvest!" they chant, even as they starve to death.

So what aren't we allowed to say?  That men are men and women are women, whether you pretend otherwise or not:
WOMEN who identify as male are not being offered vital routine breast screenings and cervical cancer checks in case it offends them.

But men identifying as women will be invited for cervical smear tests – even though they don’t have a cervix.

The advice comes from a 24-page booklet published by Public Health England called “Information for trans people”.
Biology doesn't care how you "identify".

Do you really want your health care subject to the whims of politics? Because this is what you get when you put government and its politics in charge of health care, and your government is run by lefties.

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