Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Left Is A Mockery of Itself

Shamelessly lifted from Instapundit:
And, of course, it fights global warming. Leftists have convinced themselves that the real fight against evil in the world today is not against Islamism; it’s against carbon emissions.
And now, we can add statues to the list. The left was AWOL against communism, and it’s AWOL against Islamism. But it’s in the vanguard of fighting statues.
Found via Kathy Shaidle, who writes, “I’m so old, I remember when the Left said ‘Marriage was just a piece of paper’ and ‘Flags were just pieces of cloth.'”

Well, the left have always been able to cut their conscience to fit this year’s fashions.
They're pathetic. Yes, they can still cause a lot of trouble and do plenty of damage, but they're still pathetic. They'd merit pity if they weren't so dangerous.

1 comment:

Ellen K said...

This is a generation brought up on virtual reality and magical thinking. I have no doubt there are members of these groups who think Harry Potter is real. I wish that was a joke, but honestly this generation of millennials are the most gratuitously ignorant bunch I've come across in a long time.On one hand they wallow in the type of affluence their grandparents couldn't even imagine. On the other hand they posture as perpetual victims, wearing their victimhood like mantles of virtue and whining more than a dozen cats in heat. They think they are supposed to be protected from losing, being offended, having emotions and having to actually demonstrate an effort to do anything. It's not just me saying this-it's colleges, it's professors, it's parents, it's even the slightly older Gen x kids who have to deal with their nonsense. Rather than handing them a stuffed toy and lollipop I'd like the smack these ninnies into silence.