Saturday, December 15, 2012

Global Warming? Not So Fast....

A decade ago Al Gore was telling us how bad hurricane seasons were going to be in "just a few" years--our hurricane seasons have been lighter.  A decade ago we were warned about how the earth was warming up, but now there's no evidence that it's warmed in the last decade.  And then we were told how carbon dioxide, the elixir of life on this planet, was the cause of this global warming, but now even the IPCC is taking a step back:
So the IPCC, at the moment at least, stands ready to admit that the evidence supports a much larger role for solar activity, and a correspondingly much smaller role for CO2. Of course, other sections of the report implicitly contradict this admission. Watts Up With That has all the details on the controversy. I am not sure I agree with those who say this represents the death knell for climate alarmism, but it certainly does illustrate how flimsy the “science” underlying the hysterical position is.
I have long believed, and continue to believe, that solar activity has been the cause of Earth's, and Mars', recent warming trends, and I welcome the IPCC to the group of us that believes in science as opposed to hysteria. 


Anonymous said...

Solar activity? Come on how can that giant ball of fire millions of miles away have anything to do with heating up the Earth? I can't stand you deniers....

allen (in Michigan) said...

Another data point in favor of my view that the politics of anthropogenic global warming is collapsing.

Yet another such datum is the most recent climate summit which essentially collapsed as the poorer countries tried to use global warming as a pretext to extract money from the wealthier countries. When they didn't get their payday they told the rich countries, and the greenies therein, to screw themselves.

Now if the Republicans in Congress would just start pecking away at all the various greenie-weenie incentives, regulations, subsidies and mandates we could start to see the greenie-weenie agenda really start to head down hill.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that Earth is uphill from the Sun, because everyone knows that heat rises. That's what we were taught in environmental policy class.