Thursday, November 10, 2022

Not As Bad As It Sounds

It's pretty bad, but at least there was no hostile intent in the message:

KFC has apologised after sending a promotional message to customers in Germany, urging them to commemorate Kristallnacht with cheesy chicken.

The fast food chain sent an app alert on Wednesday, saying: "It's memorial day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. Now at KFCheese!" 

How could they possibly do this?  The answer seems reasonable enough to me, especially if the tech is run by Americans:

In a statement issued to Newsweek magazine, KFC Germany blamed the message on a bot.

The fast food chain said the "automated push notification" was "linked to calendars that include national observances".

It added that it "sincerely" apologised for the "unplanned, insensitive and unacceptable message" and said app communications had been suspended while an examination of them takes place.

That's a pretty big oopsie, though, and another reason why people should learn history.

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