Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Good Thing I Have A Generator

California, 2022:

Soaring gasoline and electricity prices may turn out to be only part of Americans’ energy woes this summer. In recent months, a host of power suppliers have issued warnings that millions of residents could endure rolling blackouts because of the growing inability of America’s evolving energy infrastructure to meet power needs. From western states like Utah, Colorado, and California to midwestern states like Illinois, energy providers have cautioned that rising prices, shortages due to the closure of some coal and nuclear plants, and the unreliability of renewables like wind and solar have reduced energy surpluses. That’s left some places with little margin for error during peak usage times in mid-summer—potentially prompting the kind of blackouts California saw last year. The warnings have spurred calls to slow down climate-change-driven efforts to retire nuclear and fossil-fuel generating plants. They have also emerged as an issue in local elections this November.

When generators are outlawed, as they're soon to be in California, only (we/us) outlaws will have generators.

1 comment:

Auntie Ann said...

Better have one that can be run on home-distilled biodiesel. Sooner or later, they will ban natural gas, propane, and gasoline. Meanwhile, we had solar installed months ago and are still waiting for LADWP to give us permission to use it.