Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rejecting Diversity and Equity

This article is exceedingly logical--which is why lefties will never even hear of it.

Here is the argument against so-called diversity:
The theory driving diversity pursuits encourages us to value certain immutable characteristics over others. This is troubling for the following reasons:
  1. Benefiting an individual at the non-consensual expense of another individual is inherently immoral.
  2. Valuing one individual over another on the basis of race, gender or other immutable characteristics is inherently immoral.
  3. Valuing diversity of immutable characteristics means valuing some individuals over others on that basis.
  4. Crafting selection criteria that ensure diversity of immutable characteristics necessitates harming one group of individuals at the expense of another group on that basis.
Points one and two are basic moral principles. Points three and four are the logical conclusions of pursuing diversity as a value in itself.
Here is the argument against so-called equity:
If selection criteria are designed to promote equity, some individuals must benefit at the expense of others, on the basis of their immutable characteristics. Given a finite number of positions, this is a mathematically necessary and indefensible consequence.
Read the whole thing.

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