Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
Michael Dukakis and Lloyd “You're no Jack Kennedy” Bentsen.

Today's question is:
In what month and year was the shuttle Challenger destroyed?


pseudotsuga said...

January 1986

Mike Thiac said...

January 86....I was at ROTC when then CPT Broussard walked in and said "The space shuttle exploded..."

gbradley said...

February 1986

PeggyU said...

I want to say it was July or August of 1986. I remember, it was right before we moved, and I was visiting my dentist for the last time and had the headphones on, listening to the news...

PeggyU said...

Wow! Faulty memory! :) Year right, but it was January!!! Was my last visit to the dentist before we moved, though.