Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why Would Anyone Vote For These People?

This guy nails it:
This scenario, while hilarious, begs an obvious question. How did the coyote think this was going to help him catch the road runner?

And that’s where the Democrats are now.

They are so obsessed with their pursuit of Trump that their methods no longer look rational.

Their overconfidence is another near-perfect metaphor for Wile E. Coyote.

In an equally famous Warner Brothers show titled “Operation: Rabbit,” the coyote is paired against Bugs Bunny, who outwits him at every turn.

The coyote tells Bugs that it is pointless for him to resist his desire to catch and eat him because he is a genius. He suggests that he is smarter, faster, and stronger. His victory is so assured that there is no point in even objecting.

Does that sound familiar?

Democrats and their many allies in media pushed a conspiracy on the American public for three years, claiming that Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. When that was revealed as untrue, they moved on to another ridiculous claim, not unlike Wile E. Coyote buying a large rubber band from ACME that he could strap around a large cactus, only to launch himself face-first into the ground.

These are not serious people, and they should not be taken seriously.
Wile E. Coyote, Genius.

1 comment:

Pseudotsuga said...

It's because the Mainstream Media is invested in the Democratic Party, and they are the ACME to Wile.