Friday, January 16, 2015

Smashing A Liberal Talking Point

Wait...Libs let illegal immigrants get a license, but say it's too hard to get one & oppressive for citizens to have one when they vote? OK


maxutils said...

Old argument;correct, but boring. Why can't we jet stick to the point? If you vote, you show who you are?

Darren said...

Because then liberals would never win an election--except in Coastal California and Chicago.

maxutils said...

I take a somewhat different position. I believe voter fraud exists, but I don't believe t hat not having to show ID is the way it's done. Mathematically, it just can't work -- assuming we're checking registration cards. That does NOT mean that you shouldn't verify your ID solely on principle, as well as to prevent me from voting three times, which I could probably do, but would have no real effect.

The poor who claim not to be able to get IDs …actually, they don' t, liberals claim it for them, are most likely to receive government services …which, shockingly, REQUIRE a state ID. The drivers license is both voluntary and a CA law -- where you can barely swing a dead cat without hitting a DMV. There is a slightly better argument to be made for , say, Texas, where you might drive 12 hours and be halfway to the nearest DMV ...

Ellen K said...


Mike Thiac said...

The poor who claim not to be able to get IDs …actually, they don' t, liberals claim it for them, are most likely to receive government services …which, shockingly, REQUIRE a state ID. The drivers license is both voluntary and a CA law -- where you can barely swing a dead cat without hitting a DMV. There is a slightly better argument to be made for , say, Texas, where you might drive 12 hours and be halfway to the nearest DMV ...

max, you are wrong.

One, there is no county in my state 500 miles across and every county has a license facility. In smaller county's, it may be in the county courthouse, but it's there, probably right next to where you get your voter registration.

Two, if you don't have a state issued ID (driver's license, identification care, concealed carry permit, passport, military ID) they state will issue you a voter ID. Or you can vote provisionally and present a good ID within one week of your voting. Sounds pretty reasonable.

Showing your ID is not voter suppression, but voter verification. If you need one to buy a beer, cash a check, rent a car, buy a house, buy tobacco products, enter into a contact, identification if needed. But liberals know they need the dead to vote to insure their electoral success.

maxutils said...

Mike Thiac … I'm really not wrong, and you have mistaken me for someone who disagrees with you. I was merely saying that it's easier to find a place to get an ID in CA than TX, if you live in an outlying region. Which …is true.