Sunday, October 10, 2010

Yoga Progress

In addition to modifying my diet and using my elliptical trainer before work each morning, I'm also doing Bikram-style hot yoga twice a week. It kicks my butt, but I like it anyway.

Before you laugh, it's none of that "downward facing dog" style of yoga, this is sweating it out in a 105 degree room for 90 minutes. The heart rate definitely gets up there at times!

Last Thursday night I was able to do two things I hadn't been able to do before--not entire postures, mind you, but two small components of postures. Today in class I added two more. I'm getting bendy!


Mike Thiac said...

Thank you that clears things up for me...I was thinking the twisty curvy stuff and wondering how that helps with weight loss...

Anonymous said...

The "twisty curvy stuff" is a whole lot harder than you think, mostly because it uses muscles that you don't typically use, and in a way that is atypical.

Hardcore yoga practitioners often are in amazing physical (and spiritual) shape.

Dan Edwards said...

Sound pretty "Left coast" to me....:-) Always good to work on maintaining ones health. Good Luck with it! (And from older voice of experience, some things we try to do to our bodies really need more time. Don't break anything!)