Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wednesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
USS George H. W. Bush, which has been delivered and is scheduled for deployment in 2010. The USS Ronald Reagan is the newest in active service.

Today's question is:
In the US military, what is a common nickname for cadences called when marching, named after the fictitious guy “back on the block” who's stealing your girlfriend while you're serving?


W.R. Chandler said...

Ah, I do miss calling out Jodies.

Steve USMA '85 said...


Jodie's got your girl and gone...

MAJ K said...

Jodie calls

MasonPiper said...

That lousy Jodie and he got my Cadillac too.

Anonymous said...

They're called "Jody (sp?) cadences

MikeAT said...

If it's a jodie, I gotta say I never knew it was about a guy stealing your girlfriend