Saturday, November 25, 2006

Not Tolerating Mike Adams' Intolerance at UMass

I always find it interesting when protesters claim, while protesting someone's (usually a conservative's) appearance, that they're very tolerant people--but they can't tolerate this person's intolerance!

In other words, they're as hypocritical as one can get.

Sure, I support their right to protest. I support their right to disagree. But allow me to be blunt--when you disrupt events, when you shout down speakers with whom you disagree, when you act like a mob, you're going far beyond reasonable and reasoned action; rather, you're trying to prohibit someone else's free speech. You're hiding behind the very First Amendment you claim to support.

I'd say you're not acting like adults when you do that, but regrettably entirely too many adults do act that way today. Instead, I have to say you're not acting like reasonable, reasoned, polite Americans.

In fact, you're acting like the very fascists that you are.


Anonymous said...

You mean like U-Bots?

Darren said...

Some u-bots act like fascists, yes.

Anonymous said...

A lot of passion and anger here. I agree we should put the civil back in Thoreau's civil disobedience. A liberal is no more a commie than a conservative is a fascist. Both, however, are Americans. I have said it before; liberals are the worse at proclaiming tolerance and not practicing it. I still side with them though in proclaiming the virtue of tolerance.