Saturday, September 03, 2022

I Guess Even A Flatworm Will Turn Away From Pain

Remember, California will shut off power if it gets too windy or too hot!  And this week, electric car owners were asked not to charge their cars when they got home from work.  When are they supposed to charge them, after the sun goes down?  When all the solar panels aren't quite working at their optimum?  Here's a technology that always works:

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation Friday intended to open the way for the state’s last operating nuclear power plant to run an additional five years, a move that he said was needed to ward off possible blackouts as the state transitions to solar and other renewable sources.

His endorsement came one day after the plan was approved in a lopsided vote in the state Assembly and Senate, and despite criticism from environmentalists that the plant was dangerous and should be shut down as scheduled by 2025.

Would be hard to run for president as the governor who couldn't keep the lights turned on.

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