Sunday, September 04, 2022

Follow The Science

I'm sure someone can explain to me how this makes any sense from a scientific standpoint as opposed to a power and control standpoint:

Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania released its Fall 2022 COVID-19 vaccination protocol, stating that returning students must be fully vaccinated prior to arriving on campus.

In contrast to the student vaccination requirement, employees are only “strongly encouraged” to be vaccinated prior to returning to campus, suggesting that unvaccinated employees should “talk to [their] doctor about the benefits.”

Students employed by the university are subject to stricter protocols.

1 comment:

  1. "unvaccinated employees should “talk to [their] doctor about the benefits.”
    Because employees are clearly too stupid to figure out for themselves if the risks are real and worth taking, right?
    Not like those know-nothing students, who likely are all-in on progressive ideas already, but can't be trusted with this one.
