Saturday, September 03, 2022

Biden's Thursday Speech

It was supposed to be bad, and it apparently met and exceeded expectations.  This struck home with me:

“Dark Brandon,” flanked by Marines and backed by Hellish lighting, mumbled, shouted, and emoted his way through a Hitleresque scapegoating of large swaths of the population. And his call to arms has energized all the woke and virtuous defenders of democracy, who are now demanding a one-party system and the shunning of Republicans as lesser humans. Because, in the same way you sometimes have to destroy villages to save them, sometimes you have to become an unelected Administrative dictatorship to save democracy from the benighted and filthy MAGAts who so frustratingly vote incorrectly. 

President Turnip’s speech — presented with the full backing of the Executive branch and its law enforcement and justice arms — was perhaps the most egregious speech ever given by a US president. It was more than simply divisive. It was tacit permission to treat those who don’t favor progressive governance as enemies of the State. It’s the summer of 2020 with presidential approval. It’s dangerous. It’s unconscionable.

As for what Biden said:


Update, 9/5/22:  Hard to disagree with any of this:

Joe Biden gave a speech last week in which he gave lip service to things that Democrats don’t actually believe in, e.g., the Constitution and the rule of law, as a pretext to accuse Republicans — all 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump — of being a “threat to our democracy.”

Biden spoke in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a gesture by which he attempted to identify himself as defending the founding principles of America when, in fact, he and his party are against those principles and are doing everything in their power to destroy America.

Biden does not deceive us. It is Democrats, not Republicans, who spent the summer of 2020 tearing down statues of our nation’s Founding Fathers. It is Democrats, not Republicans, who have denounced the Electoral College as undemocratic, just as it is Democrats, not Republicans, who endanger Supreme Court justices whose rulings they don’t like. Everything good about America, Democrats seek to destroy, and everything bad in America (e.g., drug dealers, cop killers, perverts in public libraries and junkies defecating on city streets) Democrats defend.

The symbolism of choosing Philadelphia as the site of last week’s speech was perhaps more fitting than Biden realized, because Philadelphia is a city that Democrats have absolutely ruined.

If you want to know what the Democrats are doing, just listen to what they accuse the Republicans of doing and you won't be far off. 

Yes, I believe there was rampant cheating in the 2020 election, and the mail-in voting from overwrought 'rona reaction made it easy.  I don't just say it, I have some evidence for my belief.  There were four areas that were going to be close--Georgia, Wisconsin, and I believe Michigan and Pennsylvania.  When I went to bed at 10pm, President Trump was leading in all four of those areas.  When I woke up at 2am, he was still leading comfortably in those areas.  By the time I woke up at 6am, he had "lost".  It's not such a leap to think that shenanigans occurred overnight.

At least I have some reason to believe what I believe.  Bush/Gore 2000?  Stacey Abrams?  Granny Boxwine?  There's no evidence in those, just carping at a loss--but only we Trump supporters are dangers to the country by suggesting one side cheated.  In fact, here is a video showing 10 minutes of Democrats' saying outright that President Trump cheated to win in 2016, that he was in league with Putin of Russia, etc, all without a shred of evidence (or decency).  They're disgusting.

If you want to know what the Democrats are doing, just listen to what they accuse the Republicans of doing.  I don't know about any threat to "our democracy", but I do know about threats to the Republic and what side of the aisle they're coming from.

Update #2, 9/14/22:  Via Instapundit:

Democrats Are Quite Comfortable Being Violent Extremists. “The Democrats’ ongoing fairy tale about the nonexistent right-wing domestic threat is on my last nerve now, especially since we all know that the real dark evil in this country is lurking on the left. It’s not even on the fringes.”

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