Sunday, September 11, 2022

I Can See

In 2017 I started wearing a special contact lens at night.  It was a hard lens, and it reshaped my eye while I slept and gave me 20/20 vision in the morning.  I've gotten a new lens each year since then, as my vision continues to deteriorate.  

I wasn't pleased with last year's lens, it didn't seem to correct my vision very much or for very long.  When I visited the eye doctor a few weeks ago, he decided to let my corrected eye go back to its natural state.  Three weeks later he took measurements of that eye and ordered a lens to correct my vision.  I picked up that lens yesterday and wore it for the first time last night.

When I took the lens out this morning I looked across the front room and out the window to the house across the street, on which I could see every line on every shingle of the roof.  And this was after only one night of wearing the lens.  After only a couple more nights my eye will be reshaped, and wearing the lens at night will merely help retain that shape.

I can see again.  Here's to another year without glasses!

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