Monday, September 12, 2022

There Are Two Types of People In the World

There are those who want to tell others what to do all the time, and those of us who just want to be left alone.  Let's read the first paragraph, the first sentence sentence, the first clause, of this article from the major Sacramento newspaper, and then you tell me which of those two types the author of the article is:

Sacramento is saturated with the wrong type of housing, and the consequences of these shortsighted land use decisions go beyond cost-of-living or environmental issues. It could ultimately derail any hope of expanding light rail to the region’s suburbs.

You know what another term for "wrong type of housing" is?  Based on the current real estate market in the Sacramento area, that would be "housing that people want to buy". 

Lefties always want to tell you how you should live your life.


  1. The author of that partisan screed is clearly one of those people enamored with 19th century mass transit. Said author will, almost certainly, never be forced to ride the little choo choo, but believes that others need to do so in order to save his/her/xher world from the crisis du jour.
    The self-righteous progressivity just drips from the page...

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    It’s also about control. Mass transit forces (ordinary) people to go where the government wants them to go, or encounter serious inconvenience or actual obstacles. That mindset is not new. When the railroads in Britain were trying to get rights-of-way across or actual purchases of land owned by aristocrats and other large landowners, I remember reading comments from such railroad opponents that easy access to trains only encouraged people (their tenants) to wander about unnecessarily. The rich, like the rich of today, have private transport and can go where they wish, when they wish.

    Just try to take two kids to after-school activities in two different places and at two different times, while needing to get groceries and do two other errands during their practices, using public transport.
