Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Everyone In Education Should Read The Linked Post And Take Its Intent to Heart

Joanne hit one out of the park today.  In a post entitled "The child is not the creature of the state", Joanne posits that parents should have a significant say in the education of their children.  Enough of this keeping secrets from parents, something I've railed about for quite some time:

Advocates say secrecy is needed to protect children from abusive parents. But the law already requires teachers to report suspected child abuse to child protective services, says attorney Vernadette Broyles of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign. “You’re not entitled to take it onto yourself as a teacher to make the judgment that somehow this parent does not share the right value system, or is going to correct or guide their child in a way that you don’t approve of.” 

Just in case you didn't get the important part, here it is again:

“You’re not entitled to take it onto yourself as a teacher to make the judgment that somehow this parent does not share the right value system, or is going to correct or guide their child in a way that you don’t approve of.”

I give this my loudest and most thunderous "hear hear". 


  1. PeggyU2:10 PM

    But the government has more money than you do, therefore it is better equipped to raise your child.

  2. Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein had more money than I do, too.
