Thursday, September 01, 2022

Lefties Are Fascists

Even though Sleepy Joe will tell us differently tomorrow, it is he and his ilk who are the true fascists:

The assault on democracy that the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are carrying on about is very much in progress, but it’s coming from them. They are waging a full-scale ideological war on anyone who doesn’t agree with their increasingly commie policies. Make no mistake about this: their endgame is one-party rule in the United States of America...

What has changed now is the level of hyperbole and the complete absence of truthfulness in their rhetoric. There was a time when the Dems didn’t lie about virtually everything. It’s now pathological with them. The pathological penchant for prevarication (alliteration gold star to me) is the reason they can keep straight faces when saying things like Republican opposition to the Inflation Reduction Act means that we all want the planet to die. Never mind that the bill does nothing to reduce inflation and that it’s merely a boondoggle sop to Big Green, the mean Republicans want to see Floaty the Polar Bear bobbing on waves down the streets of Manhattan.

The laundry list of things they lie about grows every day and has done so at a greater pace since Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Russia collusion. J6 was an insurrection. The 2020 presidential election was one of the cleanest ever. Republican efforts to shore up election integrity are racist.

On it goes.

Who wants to change the make-up of the Supreme Court because it doesn't go their way? Who wants to enshrine voting by mail to make their cheating easier?  Who wants the "interstate compact" regarding presidential electors, who wants to get rid of the electoral college?  Who wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment?  Add those to the list above.

I'm obviously not the only one seeing it:

On "The News & Why It Matters" Monday, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales and guests took a look at the actual definition of fascism and concluded that the press secretary has clearly not been doing her homework.

"I just want to just to set the record straight here, give some perspective," said Sara. "The definition of fascism is: a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, an economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism."

"I can't think of anything that describes the left any better," she added.

"Look at what they're doing just in the simple fact of labeling people who are, quote, Trump supporters or anybody with a conservative value system or political philosophy. The labeling thing, that's step one," said BlazeTV's Chad Prather.

"Identifying, labeling, then they categorize you. They put you in the box. They shove you away until they need to deal with you," he continued. "You know, we all do that to some degree, but most of us, we just ignore that person. That's not what their plan is. ... They have nefarious purposes for what they're doing with these labels ... and 'MAGA,' 'Trump,' 'conservative,' 'small government,' all the buzzwords are all going to mean 'fascism' very soon."

Heck, there's more.  Mussolini had his blackshirts, thugs in the streets to beat and otherwise intimidate the non-fascists.  Hitler had his brownshirts, doing the very same thing.  Today's lefties have their Antifa blackshirts (with masks!), doing the very same thing.  They don't even try to hide it, they just lie to your face about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    After watching his speech (diatribe) in Philadelphia, I felt sick and then so angry I have no words to describe the feeling. I wonder who wrote that speech. He and his affiliates are the embodiment of all he accuses others of. God help us.
