Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Taking A Knife To A Gun Fight

Henry Rogers is a fool, and he looks doubly so going up against John McWhorter:

John McWhorter’s latest column for the NY Times is about a Change.org petition demanding an end to “discriminatory” licensing exams. Here’s a bit of what the petition says...

So, according to the petition, the test’s design is biased and denying it’s biased is racist. In his opinion piece, McWhorter notices that the petition doesn’t point to any proof of these claims...

He concludes that it’s still possible there is a problem with the exams but that before we get rid of them we should at least ask to see the evidence the exams are racist.

Ibram Kendi’s name is never mentioned in McWhorter’s column but the idea that something is racist simply because the outcome doesn’t benefit all races equally is clearly his baby. And Kendi has argued in the past for ending standardized testing. So yesterday he posted a tweet thread in response to McWhorter’s column...

Read the whole thing.  It's more evidence that Henry Rogers is a race hustler, while McWhorter is a brilliant and thoughtful man.  It's really that simple.

1 comment:

  1. Rogers is a credentialed race hustler.
    Educated? Not really... indoctrinated is the better term for it. And hired by virtue signalers. That's a great job if you can get it, I suppose.
