Saturday, April 02, 2022

California Corporate Diversity Law Ruled Unconstitutional

A Los Angeles judge ruled Friday that California’s landmark law mandating that corporations diversify their boards with members from certain racial, ethnic or LGBT groups is unconstitutional.

The brief ruling granted summary judgment to Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group that sought a permanent injunction against the measure that was signed into law last year...

The measure requires corporate boards of publicly traded companies with a main executive office in California to have a member from an "underrepresented community," including LGBT, Black, Latino, Asian, Native American or Pacific Islander.

The lawsuit argued that violated the state’s constitutional equal protection clause...

However, in its court filings, the state argued that the measure didn’t "discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting."     link

Of course it's unconstitutional. And every legislator who voted for it, and the governor who signed it, knew so as well.  But they passed this law anyway, "to send a message" or something.  How much time and effort was spent on this law, and in overturning it, just so a bunch of California lefties could send an unconstitutional message?

A related Judicial Watch lawsuit in Los Angeles is challenging another state law requiring a woman director on corporate boards.

That three-year-old law was on shaky ground from the get-go with a legislative analysis saying it could be difficult to defend and then-Gov. Jerry Brown saying he was signing it despite the potential for it to be overturned by a court.
This is what you get when you have one-party leftie rule.

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