Saturday, April 02, 2022

Legalizing Marijuana

I have no dog in this fight so I don’t really care if pot is legalized or not, but if it’s not, then the feds should enforce federal law.  This “having a federal law that states openly flout” situation that we have now is no way to run a country:

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Friday to decriminalize possession of marijuana on the federal level.

The House heard a slew of proposed amendments for the bill, including measures to track and prevent impaired driving under the influence of marijuana, as well as carve-outs for law enforcement to restructure around the decriminalized substance.

The bill passed with a vote of 220 to 204. 

Three Republicans voted yes: Matt Gaetz of Florida, Tom McClintock of California and Brian Mast of Florida. Two Democrats voted no: Chris Pappas of New Hampshire and Henry Cuellar of Texas.

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