Friday, April 01, 2022

You Can't Win If You Don't Play

You can't learn if you don't attend:

Nearly half of Los Angeles Unified students — more than 200,000 children — have been chronically absent this school year, meaning they have missed at least 9% of the academic year, according to data provided to The Times by the district in response to a public records request. This more than twofold increase from pre-pandemic years reveals yet another hit to education with widespread learning disruptions even as campuses are open for in-person learning… 

Like almost all education hardships wrought by the pandemic, the impact of missed school is being borne most heavily by the most vulnerable student groups. For Black students the chronic absence rate is nearly 57%. For Latinos, it is 49%. For homeless students it is 68%.

Update, 4/4/22:  It's not just Los Angeles:

No readin’, no writin’, no ‘rithmatic for the hooky-loving students of New York City’s public schools.

A whopping 40% of the city’s 938,000 students are suffering, not from COVID, but from “chronic absenteeism,” according to figures seen by the New York Post.

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