Monday, August 31, 2020

John Muir

If you can't honor anyone who ever said anything against today's "protected groups", well, I guess we'll soon have no one to honor.  Perhaps that's the plan.

Michael Brune, the Sierra Club’s executive director, tells members that “it’s time to take down some of our own monuments.” Brune says members must now “reexamine our past and our substantial role in perpetuating white supremacy.”

It turns out that, as a young immigrant from Scotland, John Muir made “derogatory comments about Black people and Indigenous peoples that drew on deeply harmful racist stereotypes, though his views evolved later in his life,” Brune wrote in a statement on the Sierra Club’s website. “As the most iconic figure in Sierra Club history, Muir’s words and actions carry an especially heavy weight. They continue to hurt and alienate Indigenous people and people of color who come into contact with the Sierra Club.”

Do people's accomplishments mean nothing anymore?  Are black Americans truly harmed by John Muir's existence?  Does California have to denounce its own State Quarter?

This is foolishness not worthy of serious adults, which tells you all you need to know.

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