Monday, August 31, 2020

Should I Be Worried About The Rona? Should You?

From the CDC, for as much as you're willing to trust them:

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.

Coronavirus maybe killed 6% of the people who got it without any known comorbidities.  That means that 94% of the people who died had other health problems, an average of 2.6 additional health conditions.

Table 1 shows that not even 350 Americans under age 24 have died, yet we're shutting down schools across the country.  People my age and younger make up well under 25% of all US 'rona deaths.  And for this we've shut down commerce across the country.

This is insane.


  1. LeftCoastRef9:21 PM

    While I feel your sentiment exactly, I have read from many of my friends in the medical field that almost EVERY death in the US has a co-morbidity. I read this from a Dr. in Kansas and it helped me realize that while many of those dying are already susceptible, there is a chance that their demise was indeed brought about by COVID. (There was much else included, but this stood out. Full weblink included at the bottom) -
    "When people die from Covid-19, they die because the virus has caused something to go very wrong in their body. I would go so far as to argue that the doctors completing the death certificates on those 6% without any other factors listed were either 1) in a hurry, 2) lazy or 3) didn’t understand how to fill out a death certificate in the first place. I would be embarrassed to submit such a half-assed death certificate, personally!"

  2. The 6% number is very incomplete.

    If someone gets covid and then gets pneumonia as a symptom, they'd be listed in the data as a covid+pneumonia death, not in that 6%, even if they had no other comorbidities.

    Some of the renal failure cases would also be solely caused by covid, not comorbidities. My cousin spent a week in hospital because his kidneys shut down--covid made him incapable of eating or drinking until he became so dehydrated he went into renal failure. (He's fine now.)

    Over 75k of the 161k deaths had respiratory failure or Adult respiratory distress syndrome also listed on their death certificate, many of those may not have had any prior disease.

    This video goes down the list of other factors on death certificates and shows which would be prior-existing conditions and which would likely or possibly be caused by covid:

    Dr John Campbell, August 31 update

    Found on the blog Spin Strangeness and Charm, which has most daily run-downs of covid news:

    -- Ann in L.A.
