Monday, August 31, 2020

So Much Craziness

I can't even decide what to write about.  Even if I limit myself to just California and just education, "the crazy is strong here".  I'm a bit overwhelmed with the insanity.

1)  Schools can retroactively award diplomas to students who failed "because of the coronavirus shutdown".  How do we determine that?  Is "I didn't take it seriously because I knew the rules were being made up on the spot" count as "because of the coronavirus"?

2)  Ethnic studies may soon be a graduation requirement in California.

3)  Maybe the state will let some kids back in schools, but only if they stay together in "cohorts" all day and especially if they're special needs/special education, English learners, etc.  (How would this work in high school?)

4)  What the heck is going on with the Los Angeles teachers union?

I know what let's do.  Let's kill that goose that lays the golden eggs!  We can open it up and get all the eggs right now!


  1. PeggyU11:11 AM

    Only tangentially related, but I thought you might enjoy this podcast:

  2. I don't access the Facebook. Summarize?

  3. Does ethnic studies mean that we get more than just a white liberal view? ( I remember how you’d poke fun at students for being ethnically isolated and that human relationships were always built upon so much more. Hopefully they still have puffins when we get back to Europe!)
