Saturday, June 01, 2019

Electoral College

A couple weeks ago I posted some thought-provoking questions about the electoral college, an institution I wholeheartedly support.  In addition to the brilliance demonstrated by the Founders, and the interesting questions posted above, here's a visual about why the electoral college is so important:
You either believe we live in a federal republic, or you want a democracy.  It's really that simple.

And I agree with the Founders about the dangers of direct democracies.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    The United States is both a democracy and a federal republic. An example of a country that is a federal republic but not a democracy would be North Korea. The founders were opposed to "pure democracy" or what we would call direct democracy. The founders did not oppose all forms of democracy, if they had, they would have opposed all elective offices.

  2. You are correct about direct democracy, and I made the change to the original post.

    I have long believed the 17th Amendment was a huge mistake, a body blow to federalism as well as to checks and balances.
