Friday, May 31, 2019

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Too many people today focus on their feeeeeeeeeelings.  Facts don't care about your feelings.  Be honest when you answer this question:  Which is worse, President Trump hurting some reporters' feelings, or this?
He's playing with fire, but the president hasn't actually done anything to abridge press freedom, even if we fear what he might like to do. It's all words and bluster. Frankly, those concerned about this "war" should hope that Trump doesn't take lessons from several disturbing recent actions against reporters here in California.

The latest example came in Democratic San Francisco, but the scene isn't particularly uplifting of the city's oft-touted liberal values. After the unexpected death of the city's elected public defender, Jeff Adachi, a freelance reporter secured a copy of the related police report and apparently sold the information—some of it pretty salacious—to news outlets. The San Francisco Police Department wants to find the source of the leak.

"Police used a sledgehammer to try to get into (the reporter's) home and office and cuffed him for hours as they searched and subsequently removed dozens of cameras, cellphones, computers and other equipment used to gather news," the Associated Press reported. Police are trying to figure out his role in getting the report. The AP notes that it's not illegal for reporters to receive or publish information, even if it were improperly obtained by a third party. Police reports are supposed to be public records.
Which is truly the bigger threat to press freedom?
That's worse than anything Trump has tweeted about the media. Much worse.


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Feelings? The White House directed the Navy to get the USS John McCaine out of site during Trump's visit because the site of that ship would make Trump uncomfortable.

    Trump says the Baby Trump balloon over London makes him feel unwelcome. What a baby!

  2. Could you *once*, maybe, try to stay on topic? Address what I wrote about rather than what *you* want to blah-blah-blah about? Here are two questions I posed, perhaps you would consider answering them:

    Which is worse, President Trump hurting some reporters' feelings, or this?
    Which is truly the bigger threat to press freedom?

    Use your own blog to spew your blah-blah-blah.
