Friday, May 31, 2019

A Thought So Sobering, It Makes You Want To Drink

A number of us went to 7th Period today, my school's name for happy hour.  We still have a week and a half of work left!

Anyway, we got to talking about how long we have until retirement, and if we'll make it that long considering all the idiocy coming out of downtown Sacramento as well as out of our own school district.  I don't know how or if I'll make it another 9 years, which is what I need in order to have a decent enough retirement paycheck that I won't have to supplement it too much.  That said, the students who are just now finishing 3rd grade are "my class"; when they graduate, I retire.

My student teacher from last year, finishing up her 1st year as one of our colleagues, said, "My graduating class won't be born until 2040."

Think about that.


  1. 2 years left for me. I am now working for a paycheck, and, quite frankly, there is no shame in that!

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I have a colleague who just turned 30 this year. During one of our 7th periods I asked him if he could stick it out for another 35 years. He just hung his head. I asked him if he ever thought about another career path and he said he has but nothing realistic bubbled to the surface.

    With the current education environment and the trends of the last decade, I am not sure public school teaching is a viable long term career for a young person.
