Saturday, May 12, 2018

Does Your Job Make You Feel Like This?

People think teachers have it easy.  They don't realize the difficulty of being on stage all day long, with only 5-minute breaks between classes and a lunch period.  We're constantly watched, scrutinized, and criticized by students.  There is no "coffee break", we can't just start shopping on eBay for awhile to relax (although I'm sure a couple do).

As I wrote in my previous post, yes, I ate a lot yesterday.  Even still, when I got home around 6 last night, I put my half-sandwich in the frig and laid down on my bed.  Some time in the middle of the night I woke up and got under the covers.  I started waking up for real around 5:30 this morning.

Almost 12 hours.  While that's quite a bit of sleep I needed, and certainly longer than most Fridays, it's still not uncommon for me to crash and burn on Fridays.  I get through the week just fine, but come Friday evening, I sleep.

It's like teachers who gut it out to Thanksgiving, Christmas, or spring break, but as soon as break hits they get sick.  It's like our bodies know that a rest time is coming, and we just have to make it to the rest time....

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